We developed Erasmus+
Structured course for Key Action 1


“Constructing activities in kindergarten
as educational tool”

The structured course is available with four venues:
  • DZZD ”Obuchenie” OID E10154706, place of the course Sofia, Bulgaria,
    for contacts email: obuchenie@mail.bg
  • T-oppi OY OID E10242626,place of the course Helsinki, Finland,
    email: toppi.espoo@gmail.com
  • Wolora OID E10040803, place of the course Vienna, Austria,
    email: evgatsvetichova@gmail.com
  • ERA – Europe Route Education Youth Sports and Culture Association OID E10268093, place of the course Manavgat-Antalya, Turkey,
    email: courses@eraeu.com

The course is published on the SchoolEducationGateway platform.

Target group:

  • Kindergarten teachers.
  • Special education teachers.
  • Teacher trainers.
  • Headmasters, principals and administration staff of educational institutions.


Course “Construction activities in kindergarten as a playful educational tool”

Day 01

Welcome, ice-breaking games. Course organization.

1.1 Construction as an activity in the kindergarten. Materials for construction activities in the kindergarten - readymade construction sets available in the market, junk modeling and other types of materials, pros and cons.

1.2 Workshop: Construction activities with bricks.

1.3 Workshop: Construction activities with marshmallow, sticks, cups, paper box and other things.

Day 02

2.1 Participants share their experiences of construction activities in their kindergartens.

2.2 Lego Duplo – getting to know its elements and possibilities, sets, sourcing parts from sets.

2.3 Construction sets compatible with Lego Duplo.

2.4 Workshop: Sorting Lego Duplo bricks and elements.

Day 03

3.1 Methodology for the integration of construction activities within the kindergarten curriculum.

3.2 Constructiion activities with Lego Duplo materials in kindergarten groups – organization of work.

3.3 How can children learn basic construction skills with Lego Duplo?

3.4 How to learn mathematics with construction activities in the kindergarten?

3.5 Workshop: Construction activities with Lego Duplo

Day 04

4.1 How to learn about the world with construction activities in the kindergarten – colors, vehicles, traffic rules, family, professions, countries and flags?

4.2 Workshop: Construction activities with Lego Duplo

Day 05

5.1 How to learn about nature with construction activities in the kindergarten – animals, tree, plants?

5.2 How to learn letters, words and language with construction activities in the kindergarten?

5.3 Workshop: Construction activities with Lego Duplo

Day 06

6.1 Fun-time in a child’s life represented by construction activities – Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Gaming, Fun fair.

6.2 Playing roles in game situations using construction activities.

6.3 Documenting and evaluating the work with the construction materials with the children in the kindergarten.

6.4 Workshop: Developing learning units for construction activities in the kindergarten.

Day 07

7.1 Course conclusion – What did we learn? What do we need as support to do construction activities with kids? What will be next step needed to integrate construction activities within our kindergarten?

7.2 Feedback from participants.

7.3 Distribution of participation certificates.